
Some of the projects that I have been working on last time

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E-commerce store for massage and handmade products. Using NextJS and Static Site Generation provides a very good user experience. All products are fetched from headless CMS, which allows adding every new product very easily. Payments are handled by Stripe. After successful checkout client receives a confirmation email. E2E tests are written in Cypress.

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Picture of the website

Full stack application created to motivate programmers to work out more often by having the possibility to share their workouts with others. Users can add workouts, and search by name or difficulty level. The server is hosted on heroku and everything is saved in the database.

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Picture of the website

Website presenting NFT collection. Fully responsive and created in a mobile-first approach.

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Picture of the website

The website is fetching data from API and displaying 10 cryptocurrencies, sorted by the biggest market cap. It shows information and statistics about a particular cryptocurrency and displays a chart at a few time intervals.

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Picture of the website

React application that allows you to add exercises, sets, and reps. It displays all the data, summing up all exercises to see how many pounds you have lifted in training.

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